Tayla Foster

Let’s face it, there is truly nothing better than a classic Sunday roast. A hearty meal prepared with love and compassion. The perfect time to sneak in some roasted vegetables for the kids and a great source of deliciously marinated protein.

Hours of slaving over the stove top and oven have you exhausted. The dinner table is set with starters, place settings and bread has already begun to break amongst hungry little mouths. You’ve finally sat down to enjoy the classic roasted chicken, wishing and begging that it is even the slightest bit reminiscent of one your mum would make when you were a child. Yet we are missing one thing to take this meal from perfect to exquisite. A glass of red wine! Now this can’t just be any Shiraz or Merlot. This finishing touch to a scrumptious meal is perfectly accompanied by a glass of Wolf Blass Red label Cabernet Sauvignon.

The earthy textures of this smooth sailing Cabernet Sauvignon are derived from the classic red grape of Bordeaux emerging in the late 18th Century. The perfect glass of red wine contains the sweet-smelling aromas of cedar, cassis and currant, and often a defining hint of mint. Greatly complimenting the flavours and texture of the dinner you slaved over for hours. This sweet and heartwarming glass of heaven is the perfect treat to accompany a weekly Sunday roast.

Sydney Observer suggest the following recipe for your next Sunday chicken roast dinner; with credit to https://www.taste.com.au/


  • 1.6kg Lilydale Free Range Whole Chicken
  • 1 lemon, halved
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil


Step 1: Preheat oven to 220C. Lightly grease a roasting pan. Place a wire rack into roasting pan. Trim excess fat from chicken. Discard neck. Rinse chicken (including cavity) under cold running water. Pat-dry with paper towels. Season cavity with salt and pepper.

Step 2: Gently squeeze the juice from half the lemon over chicken, rubbing juice into skin. Place both lemon halves into chicken cavity. Tie legs together with kitchen string.

Step 3: Brush both sides of chicken with oil. Season chicken all over with salt and pepper. Place, breast-side up, onto rack in roasting pan. Roast for 1 hour or until juices run clear when chicken thigh is pierced with a skewer. Stand, covered, for 10 minutes. Serve, drizzled with pan juices and roast vegetables, if desired.