Sabrina Muysken

A NEW BREED of personal trainer has emerged within the health industry. They are known as ‘social-media fitness entrepreneurs’. Through the use of digital platforms these individuals skillfully craft their very own Internet personality, develop a brand around their skill set and build an online audience that is exponentially larger than the traditional profession could ever permit. With 1.2 million Instagram followers and YouTube channel ‘Blogilates’ that sees videos readily clocking up close to ten million views, American-born Cassey Ho is the digital world’s current reigning female fitness guru.

Fresh on Aussie soil, the health star is here to promote ZespriSunGolf Kiwifruits and lead her famous fitness classes live inSydney this month.

“I will be leading two free POP Pilates classes at The ZespriSun-Up events in Sydney! These huge outdoor festivals are all about health, food and fitness and I couldn’t be more excited to bring live POP Pilates classes to more people all over the world!” enthuses qualified Pilates instructor Cassey.

A mere seven years ago however, Cassey had just posted hervery first workout video to Youtube with the original intended audience to be her former students.

“I was moving across the country to pursue my dream ofbecoming part of the fashion world, so I thought posting workout videos on YouTube would be a fun way for us to all still work-out together. Back then, I never imagined that posting that one workout video would lead to my Blogilates career!”

It wasn’t long before Cassey’s YouTube channel gained incredible worldwide traction and propelled her health career onto a new and exciting path.

“I noticed my YouTube videos getting more engagement from people all over the world – not just my students. So, I started putting time and effort into the quality of my videos and began listening to my subscribers requests. If they asked for a certain workout video, then I would give them one! That is when I really started to see my channel grow.”

Today, POP Pilates videos dominate the world’s online fitness stage and followers have even garnered their very own nickname – ‘POPsters’. Cassey attributes the success of her Blogilates brand to her social media prowess as she actively displays a sense of authenticity and transparency. One of her most watched videos ‘The Perfect Body’ refreshingly endeavours to dispel unrealistic expectations of the female image.

“I’ve always tried to just be myself on social media. My brand of Blogilates really is me and I try not to overthink it other than to be who I am, which is a girl who loves fitness and pretty things! I just try to make fitness as accessible and fun for POPsters worldwide across all social media including YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter.

“I stay true to who I am, I’m real, honest and interact with my viewers. We are all like workout fitness friends! I want them to have a safe, judgement-free place to go to workout.”

As with any new business, especially those utilising the digital space, there often comes a track of hurdles to jump over and external parties wanting to cash in on overnight success. Cassey is no novice in this area and openly offers other budding entrepreneurs some sound advice.

“Be careful who you trust. I get a lot of requests to collaborate with other people and companies. Unfortunately people don’t always have the right intentions. I’ve learned to see through that most of the time as it has happened many times. Since then, I’m more careful and particular with who I work with and who I let into my Blogilates team, choosing only to affiliate myself with top quality brands.

“You don’t need a lot of money or even a whole team of people working for you. As long as you have the passion and an idea, you can make anything happen. Allow yourself to never stop learning and exploring.”

As for what’s next for Cassey?

“I want to keep connecting more POPsters together. I want people to form real friendships in the real world, not just through social media. That’s why having live events like The Zespri Sun-Up as well live POP Pilates classes taught at gyms worldwide is extremely important.”